OASIS is the exclusive manufacturing partner for the flowdaq logoADAM IoT device.

Distributors Save
>€20 / COOLER / YEAR!

If you have a large fleet of water coolers, you cannot afford to miss this opportunity.
Choosing the ADAM IoT device, for as low as €10/annum all-in, to track and automate your orders means that if you had 40,000 coolers, you could save at least €800,000 annually!

Touch-free Filling Bottle Fillers

Near Real-Time Knowledge

Know what your customers have in stock and their rate of usage.
Usage updated multiple times every day.

No additional software required. ADAM feeds usage data to your existing
systems or you can use the platform provided.

Easy Installation and Maintenance of Water Coolers and Filters

Automated re-ordering

With threshold notifications you'll know when your customer has reached their
threshold and restocking is required. Deliveries can be proactively arranged in
advance - before your customer even knows one is required. Never miss an order - keeping you and your customer happy!

Save money by reducing Call Centre costs by automating ordering or
of feeding data into invoicing systems for Straight Through Processing

Fresher Tasting Drinking Water for Students

Efficient Deliveries

Never miss an order - keeping you and your customer happy!
Up-to-date usage data allows efficient planning of deliveries and use of resources
such as bottles, trucks, and manpower. Send out a delivery with only the bottles
required for the Customers on that route.

This cuts down on unnecessary delivery attempts, fuel consumption, and environmental harm!

Interested in ADAM IoT?

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